Saturday, June 10, 2023


 Another taxing week in the osprey world. We are confirming hatching on many nests and I was able to see, and count, the first little chicks which hatched about two weeks ago. Lordy, they are cute. I watched one nest where the older experienced male came with a fish and fed the whole family…A bite for Momma, a bite for this chick and a bite for that chick! Sweet. Just as I was swooning over the cutie patooties, we got word that another one of our beloved, older males had been injured. We have lost two already this year. This male is now in rehab and we are hoping for the best. Ospreys don’t do well in captivity and we are sending him all our good thoughts for healing of some serious injuries. They do think it’s possible that he could heal and regain full flight abilities. Meanwhile, this leaves his mate with newly hatched chicks to care for alone. In the past most of the single parents I have observed had chicks that were a little older….these are wee ones that cant even be seen. The first day the female did not leave the nest to get food at all….she was just waiting for her mate to return with food. I observed for over 8 hours. The second day I did see two feedings, 7 hours apart. Can the chicks survive these early days of their lives with so little food and fluid? Today I was at the nest by 8:30 a.m. and the female had a totally empty crop. I watched her leave 7 times and each time she came back without a fish. I know this female can catch a fish so why isn’t she? She is still confused about what is happening and looking for her mate. She is being visited by another male which further confuses her, so she food begs and then lunges at him if he tries to land. She is trying to handle conflicting instincts….asking for food, which is what females do, and defending her territory from what is a perceived threat. I was starting to think the chicks had died, so she was not getting the signals from hungry chicks that would inspire her to get food. Then I saw a very subtle clue….a tiny poop squirt. If I had blinked at the wrong moment, I would have missed it. Finally at about 3 p.m. today, as storm clouds were gathering, she flew off and came back with a fish. She fed what I think may be just one chick. Me and one of my nest monitors watched her carefully as she ate and fed the chick, to be sure food was actually being taken. The rain began and she fed quickly and then hunkered down on the wee one as the rain increased. She did not finish the fish so they will have another meal when the rain stops. I will check on them again tomorrow….spending long hours observing in hopes that she will begin to accept her unfortunate circumstance and pick up the feeding schedule. My presence certainly doesnt change anything or help her in anyway, but it helps me…..I always like to learn more, and I rest easier if I know whats happening. Its been a stressful few days.

We seem to have one of these single parent situations every year now….and we are often pleasantly surprised by a happy outcome, so let’s hope it happens again….maybe a double happy ending with a fledging chick and a successful return of this magnificent male. He has two offspring that are nesting successfully in my study area….so he has some spectacular genes! Think good thoughts!

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