Thursday, May 12, 2022

The storm….

 hey guys just want to make a point here…..if you post a comment on this page and you dont get a reply, do not assume that I am blowing you off. As many of you know, I am stretched very thin, trying to do so much, and I often miss stuff on Facebook. That is why I frequently post my email address…..please use it if you are seeking an answer, want to share info, or want to communicate with me for any reason. I always answer people, eventually, but on occasion I miss what is posted here….you can always contact me at

I prefer to have conversations about specific nests or monitoring via email, so just want you all to know that I am available….but facebook is just not the best way to connect with me. My apologies to anyone whose comments here were overlooked.
I just have so many hours in a day, and facebook has become a lower priority out of necessity. Emails are MUCH less likely to be missed!
I am hearing from many of our intrepid nest monitors that most nests survived the storm……some nests were damaged, but we are locating both adults on most nests….of course it will take time to recheck all nests. These birds never fail to amaze me by how tough they are, but weathering storms is just part of being an osprey. I would always prefer to lose eggs than chicks. At this stage they still could reclutch, tho its getting late. And we may be in for another round of storms tonight….hopefully less severe.
Many thanks to all the monitors who were out there today checking things out!!!!! I treasure all of you who care so deeply about ”your” ospreys!
As one of the monitors drove me to a medical test today, we talked about a nest a few years ago that had three fairly large chicks, and a huge storm pelted them with hail that was so deep, the snowplows had to remove it from the roads….piled high. That poor female withstood that beating, trying to protect three chicks but they were too big to cover fully. Two of them died, but she managed to save one chick, and she survived uninjured!
I also remember many years ago a big tornado went thru the Hugo area, leveling homes, filling a lake with debris. There was an osprey nest about one football field away from totally flattened houses. When I checked them the day after the storm, the eggs were hatching and the adult's were feeding the tiny chicks! It was truely awesome! These birds deserve so much respect for what they endure to breed successfully!!!! So think good thoughts for them all tonight!!!!

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