Friday, September 27, 2024

September 27

 Today I went back for another visit with the ospreys in the last post. I quickly spotted the Dad across the lake ( first photo) with a big fish. But I heard no food begging from the juvenile. I watched and kept hiking around the lake to get a little closer….and closer….and I scanned all the usual perches but did not see or hear the youngster. Very quiet, the lake was like glass….i heard squirrels rustling thru the dry leaves. Dad was eating a few bites, and then stopping, listening, scanning the area in all directions….then a few more bites and he would stop again and look for his offspring. He searched the sky above too. Finally he flew off, back towards the nest. So I followed him and found him perched on some ballfield lights…..still looking in all directions. He had half the fish in his talons, but he was just waiting, in case she showed up hungry. These males are often so devoted to their chicks, and we believe this one is a parent for the first time. I told him what a great job he had done….I was so touched by his care for this chick, until the very end…tho his nest building skills could use some work!!!! Ha ha! We hope that he and his mate both survive and return for another year at this site.

I savor these final days and hours I get to spend with them….no longer having to rush off to check 15 other nests…just relaxing with them, watching listening and feeling the love. I never tire of spending time with them….It remains a priority until I can no longer find any ospreys. They are so magnificent and even tho it’s been a very tough year, with many heartbreaking losses, in these final moments, all I can feel is the love. What a privilege it is so share a bit of their lives as I do.

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