Tuesday, September 29, 2020

One Osprey....

 I am hanging on till the bitter end...and so is one osprey. I have checked nests the past three days....focusing on the ones with late fledging chicks. I came upon some sad sights....I stumbled across a nest I didn’t know about (PLEASE report new nests to me!) and it had a dead adult Osprey hanging near the nest. I have no idea what happened. I could not see a head, and that always makes me suspect Great Horned Owl predation...but I just don’t know. Yesterday I visited the second to last nest to fledge and the one chick who had been there, constantly food begging was gone. The nest was empty except for the sad remains of one of her siblings who died just before fledging. Again, I dont know why. It was right after a big storm went thru in mid August. Hail? There was something so poignant about that empty nest, with the still visible fluttering juvenile feathers on the edge of the nest, left behind. Today I drove past that nest again and was surprised to see the Dad of those chicks, perched nearby, looking in all directions. No food begging heard, so I think he may be the last Osprey! I also checked the last nest to fledge.....empty, no ospreys seen or heard nearby. It was good to see that final adult.....it’s always a Dad, waiting around, in case. This fellow is a first time Dad, and earlier in the season I didn’t think he was such a great Dad....yes, Mom had to leave and get a fish as he sat nearby eating and his three chicks hollered for food. But his devoted care for that lingering female chick, and his noble posture today, gazing all around, has made my evaluation improve dramatically. He done good. I was so happy to see him. Winds shift again tomorrow, and the north wind may be his ticket to South America. You know I will check!

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