Monday, June 17, 2013

Thanks...and apologies

Thanks to all the volunteers, nest hosts and people in the public who have been so patient and understanding when I am not able to respond to all your emails as quickly as you might hope. I have received an increased volume of emails after the notice in the Star Tribune and the link posted on the Arboretum nest cam page. Sometimes it is overwhelming, as I also have another job, am monitoring well over 90 nests, supervising many amazing nest monitors, maintaining  a Facebook page and blog, and dealing with some personal health issues. Please know that I am trying to respond to every email as soon as possible, but when there is a request for information that I don't have handy, it may take me some time to get back to you.  I value each and everyone of you who have shown an interest in these birds, and I am not ignoring you or withholding information. I am just overwhelmed right now and sometimes I just plain  forget. Gentle reminders are welcome. I will be facing some surgery in the weeks ahead so please be patient with gaps in communication .
Thanks so much for your generosity of spirit, your time, your  patience and all the touching, appreciative comments that I have received recently. I am so glad you are enjoying this page, my work, and that we can share our passion for these birds!  I  treasure you all! It takes a village to watch over these magnificent birds!
PS Nest monitors are always needed!

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