Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Oh no….

 Well the news on Kisa gets worse. I was at the nest by 6:30 a.m. and Mom was alone on the nest. I went searching for the chicks and kisa. I found the one chick that was missing yesterday….sitting in a tree, not far from the nest, occasionally food begging. I watched for a long time with no change to the situation, so I went to the other lake where I found the other chick yesterday. I found nothing but an eagle. I went back to the nest and now mom had a fish and was eating. Chick did not come to nest. I watched for a long time….talked to some great folks who were very interested in what I was observing. After they left, the chick got more desperate and she started food begging and flying in circles and finally approached the nest and Mom attacked her and pushed her off the nest. The chick flew off, over the trees and was out of sight. So that is why no chicks are on the nest and why Kisa is not delivering fish there. It’s so discouraging and baffling. I could not find Kisa or the other chick. I even examined sattelite maps and visited another nearby pond, as well as other lakes in the area. No ospreys. Maybe kisa has given up. Its so sad…..we have one adult who has surprising parental instincts tho he isnt a parent…..and another adult who IS a parent, but seems to have no parental instincts anymore anymore. She seemed to be a super mom at the beginning of this story. I can understand why the original males instincts may have been altered by the trauma of being in rehab for so long. Its hideously hot and humid today so I had to quit….and I have somewhere else I need to be this afternoon….but I will try again, early tomorrow. I am hoping the mom will start her migration soon, but that might take a strong north wind and there is nothing like that predicted anytime soon. Sigh.

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